A breath to movement practice where you ‘flow’ from one posture to another. A Vinyasa Flow practice fires up and energises the whole body.

This class is for all abilities - each pose can be modified according to ability.

Vinyasa Flow is fairly aerobic and primarily focuses one the continuous movement with the breath. Vinyasa flow can raises your heart rate and helps increase strength and flexibility.

The practice of Vinyasa flow yoga can also help with alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Ashtanga yoga is a challenging, dynamic and athletic form of classical Indian yoga that builds strength, flexibility and stamina. It was founded by Pattabhi Jois.

The practice is made up of six “series” (Primary, Intermediate and four Advanced series) each of which has a set sequence of postures that gradually progress as you move through the series and deepen your practice. Often referred to as Yoga Chikitsa - Ashtanga yoga is designed to cleanse, energise and purify the body, mind and soul.

The traditional sequence starts with five Surya Namaskara A and five B, standing poses, seated poses and a finishing sequence.

The yoga student learns the sequences gradually progressing onto the next posture when they are ready (modifications for each pose and offered throughout the practice making it accessible to all)

Central to the practice is Ujjayi (victorious) breath. This deep audible, breath helps you keep the attention on the breath


Yin Yoga is a slower practice aiming to create inner calm. Postures are held for a longer length of time allowing space for self awareness whilst releasing tension and achieving complete relaxation of the muscles.Yin Yoga is a slower practice aiming to create inner calm. Postures are held for a longer length of time allowing space for self awareness whilst releasing tension and achieving complete relaxation of the muscles.

Yin Yoga has been found to calm the nervous system, reducing emotional imbalances and easing feelings of anxiety and depression.

Yin Yoga targets the deep fascia layers (the connective tissue in our body that keeps us intact and connected) that we don’t often reach - freeing stagnant or blocked energy. Yin Yoga trains these layers to become stronger and more flexible encouraging increased mobility and blood flow.


Restorative yoga helps to bring us into a state of balance without any active (strong) stretches or engagements in the body. The practice uses a combination of supportive props and longer gentle holds to help bring a sense of calm and comfort that triggers our body’s healing mechanisms.

Restorative yoga can boost the immune system — When we aren't well rested, our immune system can start to suffer. Restorative yoga can help bring us into a meditative state encouraging the rest and relaxation needed to keep our immune system functioning healthily and happily.

This practice is suitable for everyone, but highly recommended for those with injuries or recovering from injury. Restorative yoga is very beneficial for those suffering from stress or anxiety. It has been found to slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure and calm the mind.


Gentle Yoga is a slower more restorative practice where we enter each posture gradually working with the breath.

Some of the class will be a gentle ‘breath to movement flow’ where you move mindfully from one posture to another and some of the class will involve being in more restorative postures for a longer period of time ~ allowing the nervous system to settle

Practicing gentle yoga can help with alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression by relaxing the body and calming the mind.

This class is suitable for complete beginners, those returning after injury or those who wish to take a more gentle approach to their practice - each pose can be modified according to ability.



A monthly 90min Yin Yang Yoga class that brings together a mix of some stronger more dynamic Yang flow sequences and some gentle, passive holding Yin postures.

The class opens with a meditation and Pranayama and closes with an extended Savasana meditation leaving you deeply relaxed and rejuvenated.


During the warmer Summer months I run an Outdoor Yoga class in Lynmouth on a Monday morning. We practice in an idyllic location right next to the sea - allowing you to breath in the fresh sea air whilst taking in the beautiful views of Lynmouth bay and Foreland Point.

Outdoor Yoga connects you to the earth through a relaxing and energising practice. Practicing outside gives you the added benefit of extra vitamin D. The fresh air heightens your awareness of breath and helps you feels more present.

Outdoor Yoga helps to lower cortisol levels and reduces stress. It helps boost the immune system.

A truly wonderful way to start the week!

Yoga Nidra is a deeply healing meditation. The practice aims to calm the mind by relaxing the whole body inviting complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation, Allowing you to release what no longer serves you and restore balance in the body and mind.

Yoga Nidra helps to release tension - allowing the nervous system to settle.

The practice of Yoga Nidra has also been found to enhance cognitive performance and memory and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Through Yoga Nidra we gain a greater sense of self awareness and self compassion., a chance to connect deeper to yourself.